Browse through just some of the Pipe & Civil Projects our team have completed.
Chambers Flat Road to Marsden Pump Station DN600 Rising Main
Project Overview
Category: Pipe & Civil Projects
Type Of Contract: Construct Only
Location: Logan Queensland
Construction Period: 8 months
Contract Value: $3.5 million
Client: Logan Water Alliance
Project Description
The Chambers Flat Rd rising main project involved excavation, pipe laying and back filling of 3.5km of DN600 DICL, PVC and DN750 PE pipe.
The pipeline alignment traversed through private property, park land, involved two creek crossings and construction in Chambers Flat and Browns Plains roads, both of these roads are major thoroughfares for the Logan area.
The pipeline was constructed in front of two schools on Chambers Flat Rd which incorporated major intersections in Logan area; programming around school holidays and night works limited the disturbance to the local community.
The two water way crossings provided challenges during construction, the Logan area experienced major flooding while these crossings where being constructed. There was no environmental issues or damage to the pipeline construction during this major event.
This project is still under construction and is on target to reach the contract completion date of June 30 2015.
Project Gallery
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